Getting a new heat pump isn’t as simple as merely picking the model you want and asking the pros to install it. It’s also important that the system you choose is of the proper size for your home in Winfield, WV. Here are a few reasons heat pump sizing matters:
Ideally, your heat pump, home and thermostat should form an integrated feedback system that maximizes efficiency. First, your thermostat should take a temperature reading of your home and compare the result to the temperature that you’ve programmed into the device. If the temperature is higher than it should be, your thermostat should power on your heat pump and command it to cool your home.
As your heat pump does this work, your thermostat should continuously take more temperature readings until things finally reach the level that you want. Once that happens, your thermostat should turn off your heat pump and not turn it on again until the temperature rises above the ideal level again, thus starting the process anew. This is how cooling cycles work.
If anything happens to diminish your heat pump’s efficiency, this process will work suboptimally. Many things may diminish heat pump efficiency, but age, accumulated debris, a lack of maintenance and improper sizing are among the most serious threats.
Short-Cycling Heat Pump
What happens if your heat pump is too large for your home? In that situation, your thermostat may order your heat pump to turn off before it has completed a cycle. This is called short cycling, and it can be quite straining on the system.
No Cycling
The opposite problem is also a significant issue. If the heat pump you choose happens to be too small for your home, it will struggle to cool it during the summer and heat it during the winter. As a consequence of this struggle, it may just end up working 24/7, which will put it under excessive strain.
It’s crucial that you get heat pump sizing right. You need HVAC professionals who will perform a Manual J load calculation before installing your system in Winfield, WV. Call E.J. Thompson & Son LLC and ask for our heat pump services.
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