Happy With Lower Cooling Costs

4 Tips for Reducing Cooling Costs This Summer in Culloden, WV

July 7, 2022

Keeping your home cool and comfortable in summer can be tricky. With the right insulation and seasonal maintenance, you can improve your comfort in the summer without worrying about high cooling costs. Use these tips to keep your home in Culloden, WV, cool and comfortable all summer while using less energy and lowering cooling costs:

Install a Smart Thermostat

Another effective way of reducing cooling costs is investing in a smart thermostat. Smart thermostats sense when occupants are in the house and adjust temperatures accordingly, avoiding energy wastage. These thermostats also allow you to adjust temperatures while away from home to save energy.

Maintain Your AC System

Failure to properly maintain your air conditioner can increase cooling costs in the summer. Dirty air filters strain an air conditioner because they block airflow, increasing energy costs. You should hire an expert for HVAC maintenance to conduct the necessary steps to improve the system’s efficiency and performance.

Invest in Solar Screens

You can cool your home by installing sun-shade screens on the windows more prone to getting the most sun. The sunlight that hits the windowpanes turns into heat, giving your air conditioner extra work to cool your home. Reduce cooling costs by using window treatment choices to reduce the sunlight getting into your home during summer.

Use Ceiling Fans Properly

Ceiling fans make you feel more comfortable because they assist in dispersing cool air from the AC system. They generate a cooler breeze than your home’s actual temperature. Check your ceiling fans to ensure they rotate counterclockwise in summer, but avoid running them if you aren’t at home.

You can keep your home comfortable during the hot summer months and still manage to keep energy costs low. Use these tips to stay comfortable through the summer months without spending so much on your cooling costs. Contact our team at E.J. Thompson & Son LLC today to schedule professional and affordable air conditioning services.

Image provided by iStock

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