If you have a combination tub and shower in your Ona, WV, home, it may develop a few common problems. Here are five signs that may indicate you’re dealing with a faulty diverter valve:
Dripping Tub Faucet
Your shower’s diverter valve controls whether water flows from your tub faucet or shower head. When it malfunctions, it may not fully shunt the water flow where you want it. That will leave your tub faucet dripping while you shower.
Leaks Beneath Your Tub
Your tub faucet isn’t the only place a failing diverter may misdirect water flows. Some diverters may leak externally instead. That often leads to water coming from beneath or beside your tub.
Stuck Diverter Valve
Your shower’s diverter valve should switch easily between its shower and tub modes. Your valve likely needs replacement if it’s getting harder to move or remains stuck in one position. In that case, don’t try to force the valve to switch positions; instead, schedule a plumbing repair service appointment.
Low Shower Head Pressure
A damaged diverter valve may have internal obstructions that interfere with your water flow. That may lead to low water pressure from your shower head when you engage the valve. In that case, the pressure between the tub faucet and shower head should be noticeably different.
Rusty Water From Shower
Finally, a faulty diverter valve may lead to rust-colored water from your shower head. It can happen if the diverter’s internal components degrade. However, you’ll need a plumber to confirm the problem, as rusting pipes may cause the same issue.
If you’re having trouble with a shower diverter valve in your home, don’t ignore it. Seek assistance from an experienced plumber. Call E.J. Thompson & Son LLC to schedule your plumbing repair and installation services in Ona, WV.
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